
I run 4 Him

Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

Psalm 119:105 (NLT)

Welcome to my website. I’m from a small island in the Caribbean, Tobago (pronounced tuh-bei-gow) which belongs to the country of Trinidad and Tobago. Tobago is 116 square miles, with the most beautiful beaches, warm weather, and sunshine (that is if you like that kind of atmosphere). I’ve been a music and elementary education teacher most of my life.

Look at my Etsy store, https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyHandsHisLove where I sell my handmade crochet items. I’ve always crocheted gifts for my family members and friends and have gotten the most joy from sharing them.

You will also find my blog which is full of my journey to becoming a better runner.

I appreciate your visit here. I know that there are so many choices of websites to visit with no end of information. That you chose mine is a blessing to me.

Thank you for joining me. If you like what you see, please let me know by leaving me a comment.

Call to Action

For God so loved the world that He gave…..John 3:16

Amazing Things for You